Motivated! climbing!
Last night it was the first meeting of the group "motivated" Breda Roc. It was only 5 but it is hoped that those interested will come next Wednesday or others joining us! As a reminder, this is for a group of climbers motivated to train together regularly to make progress, whatever the level (and I stress this point). The meeting took place on the wall during Wednesday night slot free. Everyone is welcome, as long as you know sure! The aim is also to give the dynamic club, meet, and organize events on other walls and cliffs.
Last night we worked the "continuity" with a simple exercise: any way must be made immediately redone without rest. The idea being to act as if the wall was twice as high. It was almost finished with all the arms exploded! For future sessions, we can imagine working technique, strength, resistance, etc ... but above all: have fun!
Not to mention this particular group, we also said last night that it's still strange that with all the world over, there are so few people open sessions in the evening (Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 20h to 22h30, and sometimes on weekends).
We remind you that everyone can come and climb as long as you are registered! Even if you are alone (e), do not hesitate to come introduce yourself and you will always find someone to climb. It's the whole point of a club compared to a private room! We really wanted to see "new faces", so we will be happy! and it is the opinion of all the regulars of the club!
That, say one of my wishes for 2011 Breda Roc is that the group of regulars at the club getting bigger and we get to be beautiful outside output from the return of spring days!
With that, Happy New Year to all!
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